Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Los Angeles Metro Station in Maravilla, CA

Name: "Elizabeth"

Age: 37

My boy. My baby boy. My beautiful baby boy. They took him. They took him away. They took him away from me. My beautiful baby boy.

What was his name?

Stephen. They took my Stephen away from me.

Who did?

The ones, the ones without names. The nameless ones.

What did they look like?

I don't know. They looked all different. Their faces would shift. I couldn't tell of they were men or women, grown ups or children. Their hairs changed length and their skin changed color and their eyes became as big as saucers and as small as pinpricks. Without names, they just...looked as if they had no definition. They were blurry around the edges. You know what I mean?

I don't, I'm sorry.

That's okay, I know I'm not explaining it well. Because I can't. Because seeing broke something. In my head. I know I'm not right. I know it.

When did they take your son?

Three years ago. I came home and he was gone.

And how did you know they took him?

Because I know. When I saw them, I knew. I can't explain it. Like the blurriness. Like how I know they don't have names.

And did you have the dream?

I did. He called to me. He called to me to find him. But I know it wasn't him. There was the blurriness. The...edges of him were wrong.

But you are looking anyway?

Of course. I have to. They took my boy. My beautiful baby boy. They took him. My boy.

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